Connie Lane at Shoebox Projects at Chip Inn Cabin, Altadena

Connie DK Lane

This installation titled Circling is inspired by the traditional Japanese activities of ema and omikuji. Ema are votive plagues on which worshippers/visitors write prayers or wishes and they are tied to a stand. Omikuji is fortune-telling paper strips that are scrolled or folded up, attached to a tree or tied to a string. Both are in designated areas outside the shrines or temples.

Borrowing from the concepts of ema and omikuji, I used brush and ink drawing circles repetitively on Chinese grid papers, folded them up into strips and tied to the ropes in which I hung outdoors. In this time of constant visual assault in our daily lives, my act of circling serves as a mantra for peace. In the process of drawing and folding over and over and over again, not only do I feel a sense of direct concentration, but it also helps to induce a state of consciousness.

Being away from my studio in Long Beach and daily life, and secluding myself in a rural, isolated residency has provided me a time of reflection and experience working in a different location. Particularly, it has enabled me to explore this installation project in an outdoor environment.

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